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代寫MANG6346 Business Analytics and Risk

時間:2024-02-27  來源:  作者: 我要糾錯

Business Analytics and Risk

This assessment relates to the following module learning outcomes:

A. Knowledge and Understanding                                            A1, A2, A3

B. Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills                     B2, B3.

C. Transferable and Generic Skills                                             C1, C3, C4

Coursework Brief:

Your assignment is based on the case Deng, Yuming, Xinhui Zhang, Tong Wang, Lin Wang, Yidong Zhang, Xiaoqing Wang, Su Zhao, Yunwei Qi, Guangyao Yang, and Xuezheng Peng. "Alibaba realizes millions in cost savings through integrated demand forecasting, inventory management, price optimization, and product recommendations." INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 53, no. 1 (2023): 32-46..

Your task is to provide a critique of the analytical work that has been described in the above case study.

The mark awarded for this assessment will take into account the following:

1. Evidence of a balanced critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the implemented approach.

2. Evidence of drawing on and appropriate use of relevant frameworks to evaluate business analytics projects, e.g. DELTA model, BADM, CRISP-DM, etc..

3. Evidence of your own additional independent research using external literature and the internet. Full references should be cited for any materials that you refer to or rely on.

4. Quality of writing, referencing, structure and presentation of the report

Nature of Assessment: This is a SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT. See ‘Weighting’ section above for the percentage that this assignment counts towards your final module mark.

Word Limit: +/-10% either side of the word count (see above) is deemed to be acceptable. Any text that exceeds an additional 10% will not attract any marks. The relevant word count includes items such as cover page, executive summary, title page, table of contents, tables, figures, in-text citations and section headings, if used. The relevant word count excludes your list of references and any appendices at the end of your coursework submission. You should always include the word count (from Microsoft Word, not Turnitin), at the end of your coursework submission, before your list of references.

Title/Cover Page: You must include a title/ cover page that includes: your Student ID, Module Code, Assignment Title, Word Count. This assignment will be marked anonymously, please ensure that your name does not appear on any part of your assignment.

References: You should use the Harvard style to reference your assignment. The library provide guidance on how to reference in the Harvard style and this is available from: http://library.soton.ac.uk/sash/referencing

Submission Deadline: Please note that the submission deadline for Southampton Business School is 16.00 for ALL assessments.

Turnitin Submission: The assignment MUST be submitted electronically via Turnitin, which is accessed via the individual module on Blackboard. Further guidance on submitting assignments is available on the Blackboard support pages.

It is important that you allow enough time prior to the submission deadline to ensure your submission is processed on time as all late submissions are subject to a late penalty. We would recommend you allow 30 minutes to upload your work and check the submission has been processed and is correct. Please make sure you submit to the correct assignment link.

Email submission receipts are not currently supported with Turnitin Feedback Studio LTI integrations, however following a submission, students are presented with a banner within their assignment dashboard that provides a link to download a submission receipt. You can also access your assignment dashboard at any time to download a copy of the submission receipt using the receipt icon. It is vital that you make a note of your Submission ID (Digital Receipt Number). This is a unique receipt number for your submission, and is proof of successful submission. You may be required to provide this number at a later date.  We recommend that you take a screenshot of this page, or note the number down on a piece of paper.
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